Dunmoore Park (Baseball Diamond)
For this soundscape assignment, I walked to a park close to my house, where a baseball game was about to be played. Dunsmoore Park in Pickering, Ontario was the location where I chose to analyze the soundscape. I thought that the juxtaposition between nature and urban noise would be interesting and rich for this assignment. The closest major traffic intersection for Dunsmoore is at Whites and Bayly Road about a kilometre away where major construction is now underway. About 200 metres from the baseball diamond runs commuter GO Train tracks and the park itself is at the beginning of a rich conservation area. This soundscape analysis was completed on Sunday September 22nd between 11:15 am and 11:45am. In my soundscape I have categorized what kind of sounds I heard before and during the baseball game into three different categories which are natural, technological and human sounds. I will show how throughout my observations, I was able to overhear many sounds with distinct frequencies, pitches, volume, duration, tone and timbre from different sources. In addition to that I will also show what these noises say about the environment and what is their meaning.
- The wind: One of the prevalent reoccurring sounds during my soundscape analysis was the persistent roaring of the wind. The pitch was low and the timbre was full and rich. This low roaring sound, would last long in duration before its volume lowered for a few seconds and then it would raise again. It was clear that the wind was going to have a significant impact on how the baseball would move and interact with the wind and ultimately how the game was going to be played.
- Tree leaves and branches: I also could hear the leaves and branches of the trees around the park. The leaves would rustle continuously with a mid to low pitch and the rhythm and volume of the sound seemed to match the frequency of the roaring wind. The timbre of the tree branches and leaves were also thunderous when the wind became stronger. The repetition of this natural sound shows that this is a traditional park that has many trees all around where both nature and humans interact in.
- Dog whimpering: Another natural sound I could hear was that of a dog whimpering, as the pitch was very high and the volume was very soft. The hum of this was heard repeatedly for a long durations and the tone of this dog sounded very sad as it seem to want some attention. What this also showed for the setting I was analyzing was that dogs and other animal were allowed to be in this park and and able to interact with humans.
- An insect: Furthermore I heard the unique sound of an insect, be it either a bee or a fly that was buzzing around in this busy environment. The pitch was mid to low and the timbre was very light but persistent if the insect was close enough to hear. What this says about the area is that other insect as well as wild animal live and mix inside this park, despite it being a place where humans and technical sounds go thru.
- Vehicles engines from a far: A constant sound I heard far from the baseball park was the constant loud sounds of numerous cars, trucks and bike engines moving. The frequency was at a contious pace and the quality of the sound was clear to hear if you were paying attention to all the sound in the enviroment. What this says about Dunmoore park is that behind this area was a main road or highway that people used to get around this the city and was very likely used to get to this park.
- Car engine’s driving or idling: You could also hear the loud and often frequency of car engine repeatedly moving into the parking lot of Dunmoore Park as well as idling to either stop or ready to move again. The pitch of the car were very high to hear when they were moving and low where it was idling as well as the quality of the sound was very raspy. The meaning of this shows that these car engine were used to move and transport people in a car and enter the park to either watch the game, play the sport or experience the area.
- The train: During the game, I was able to hear the engines of a train moving as well as the wheels of the vehicle moving fast from the train tracks. Although the duration of the noise was heard for around ten seconds, the volume was very loud, the pitch was low and the timbre was very harsh and noisy in order to show that behind this baseball park, there are trains that passes through this environment where the baseball game was being played.
- Song playing from a car: A unique sound I was able to distinct was the sounds of a rock song coming from a car that stop in the parking lot of Dunmoore. The duration of this song lasted for a while until the car engine had turned off, the tone of the music was angry as well as exciting and the volume was loud for most of the people in the park to hear. What this says is that someone in the car who is coming into the park, enjoys this type of genre of music to set their mood and attitude as they enter this environment.
- Car beep: There was also the sound of a beeping noise coming from a car in which the pitch was high and the volume was powerful. The duration of this noise happen for only two seconds, but the timbre was bright.The meaning of this sound was for the owner of the car to know that it was automatically locked so that no one can go inside the car without it being open.
- Baseball Player (Talking, laughing and shouting): A continuous sound I was able to hear while observing these human sounds was the men playing baseball talking, laughing and shouting on the field as it became a place to socialize with teammates, compete with the opponents and bond together. These voice were very constant, the tone was joyful and happy, the quality was very clear as well as close and loud enough to hear conversation about their personal lives before the game and the communication of both teams during it.
- The baseball cage: Also in this soundscape, I heard the repetitive sounds of the baseball cage vibrating a jingle sound whether it being the baseball hitting the cage or swinging of the bat beating it. The frequency of this was constant, the duration lasted several seconds, as well as the volume and pitch was low. The meaning of this sound showed that these men were warming up for the game as the cage is an essential part of the sport where baseball player get ready to bat and play.
- Car door: You could also the low pitch and soft sound of a car door opening as well as the loud and hard sound of the car door closing. This sound shows that people were either leaving or entering the park, thru this vehicle of transportation.
- Gloves catching the baseball: There was also the returning sound of the men catching the baseball in the air with their leather gloves. The pitch was very low when they caught the ball, the timbre was very light and the frequency was often before the game started and occasional while the game was being played. What this sounds says about this park is that catching a baseball with gloves is part of the game and these guy were ready to play and catch the baseball.
- Clapping and cheering: During the baseball game I was able to hear people repeatedly by the bleacher clapping and cheering when something good happen in the game for the team they were supporting. The pitches of these gestures were very high and loud as well as the tone was joyful and exciting for anyone to hear both on and off the field. The meaning of these human movement were to show how these people were supporting a team and getting into the game.
- Baseball dropping on the ground: Another repetitive sound I heard during the game was that of the baseball dropping on the ground in the field which had a low pitch and soft volume. The frequency of this sound was every so often and the timbre of the noise was heavy when the baseball hit the ground from the air. What this just means is that anytime the baseball was thrown in the air and did not make contact with the baseball bat, the ball would hit the floor and would have throw it again.
- Walking and Running on the field: Another repetitive sound I heard before and during the game was footstep of a player as they were walking and when they were running on the dirt of the field. Even though the occurrence and time of the sound were normal and the volume was low while the players was walking, they became faster in duration and frequency as well as a higher sound when the player were running from one base to another. The quality of the sound was light and mellow when they were walking as the baseball player were preparing and positioning themselves in the game, whereas when they were running, they were rushing to get to a base in order not to get out.
- Stomping their feet: There was also the recurring sound of a player stomping their feet during the game. The pitch was very high to hear if you close to third or home base, with the duration about 3 to 4 seconds as well the tone very rough. The meaning of this sound I believe was for when a player was approaching a base and wanted to stop, they would stomp their feet in order to slow down and stay at the base until it was time to run again.
- Nail going into a wooden board:A unique sound I before the game had started was the umpire swinging a nail into a wooden board with a high pitch and a regular frequency. The duration of this noise was made every two second and the timbre of the sound was heavy. The meaning of this I assume was for the baseball player to know where the pitcher’s mound was exactly as well as where to place the bases during the game.
- The Bat hitting the baseball: Another sound that I felt was unique to hear during the game was the actual bat hitting the baseball when the pitcher threw it at the batter. The frequency was actually very rare to hear, the pitch was high, the volume was sot, the duration was just for one second and the quality was bright.Depending how hard and the direction the baseball was hit from the bat, the meaning of this sound made all the players react differently where one team is trying to go to home base to score and the other team is trying to catch the ball get them out before they score.
The Keynote I would say in my experience analyzing this soundscape was the natural sounds of the wind and the urban noise of the vehicles heard away from the park.I was able to observe the players getting ready to play baseball as well as the people watching, that unless they took the time to listen to the sounds around them, the sound of the wind did not effect or interrupt them from doing things such as talking, laughing, cheering, driving, running etc. However though it was noticeable to hear, the echoes of the wind prove to show that it affect the way the game would be played. There is also the sound of the cars engine from a distance where unless you were actually paying attention all the sounds in the park, you did not consciously hear the cars, trucks and bikes engines in the background environment of the park. It also showed the soundscape environment that I was in was an urban setting. The soundmark I would say during this analyzation was the bat hitting the baseball. This high pitch was unique and interesting to hear as the baseball player moved and reacted to this sound as the reason the people by the bleacher were clapping and cheering.