![The Perks of Parks](https://popmusic.info.yorku.ca/wp-content/themes/oxygen/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif?x61327)
George M. Lee Park Soundscape I live in the City of Brampton, where there is a residential park called “George M. Lee Park,” which is…
![Monday by the Lake](https://popmusic.info.yorku.ca/files/2013/09/photo-470x140.jpg?x61327)
Harbour Square Park, 25 Queens Quay WestMonday, September 23rd – 1:25pm to 2:00pm In order to give a more organized and thorough analysis, I’ve decided…
I chose to do my soundscape assignment at a Starbucks location in Ajax. I will begin with the list of sounds I heard; – …